Technical service

On Monday 24 February at 09:00 PM (local time) for approximately 1 hour, some services, including online sales, will be temporarily unavailable. Thanks for your understanding.

Summer Prices

Morzine leasure area

Prices "Desk" & "Internet" 2025

MTB Pleney cable car

ADULT (26-65 yrs)

CHILDREN (5-15 yrs)

JUNIOR (16-25 yrs) - SENIOR (+ de 65 yrs)

1 Run *

8.70 €

6.70 €

7.50 €

6 Runs *

28 €

28 €

28 €

12 Runs *

44 €

44 €

44 €

Pedestrians Télécabine Pleney & Pedestrians Téléphérique Nyon

ADULT (26-65 yrs)

CHILDREN (5-15 yrs)

JUNIOR (16-25 yrs) - SENIOR (+ de 65 yrs)

One way ticket

7.20 €

6.20 €

6.70 €

Round trip

8.20 €

7.20 €

7.70 €

One way ticket Tribu

6.20 €

6.20 €

6.20 €

Round trip Tribu

7.20 €

7.20 €

7.20 €


ADULT (26-65 yrs) - CHILDREN (5-15 yrs) - JUNIOR (16-25 yrs) - SENIOR (+ de 65 yrs)

1 Run

7 €

1 Run with Multipass

6.20 €

6 Runs

37 €

10 Runs

58 €

Pedestrians Pas de l'aigle Nyon

ADULT (26-65 yrs) ENFANT (5-15 yrs) JUNIOR (16-25 yrs) - SENIOR (+ de 65 yrs)

Round trip Cable car + Chairlift Pointe de Nyon

14.30 €

11.70 €

12.70 €

Round trip Téléphérique + Chairlift Pointe de Nyon Family

11.70 €

11.70 €

11.70 €

Round trip Chairlift Pointe de Nyon

8.20 €

7.20 €

7.70 €

Round trip Chairlift Pointe de Nyon avec Multipass

6.20 €

6.20 €

6.20 €

Round trip Chairlift Pointe de Nyon Family

7.20 €

7.20 €

7.20 €

Multipass 1 day

ADULT (26-65 yrs) - CHILDREN (5-15 yrs) - JUNIOR (16-25 yrs) - SENIOR (+ de 65 yrs)

1 day **

14.00 €

By day (Host participating) ***

3.00 €

Multipass season

ADULT (26-65 yrs) - SENIOR (+ de 65 yrs)

CHILDREN (5-15 yrs) - JUNIOR (16-25 yrs)

Season **

100.00 €

70.00 €

Activities with discount Multipass ****

ADULT (26-65 yrs) - SENIOR (+ de 65 yrs)

CHILDREN (5-15 yrs) - JUNIOR (16-25 yrs)

1 Round trip Chairlift pointe de Nyon

6.20 €

6.20 €

1 Run sled

6.20 €

6.20 €

Activities Nyon Expériences - Monde de Jacquotte

18 yrs & +

3 - 17 yrs

Activities with open access

4.00 €

4.00 €

On the trail of mountain animals

10.00 €

10.00 €

Discovery of beekeeping

10.00 €

10.00 €

Discovery of the mountain pasture

20.00 €

15.00 €

Observation of mountain animals

10.00 €

10.00 €

Live my life as a shepherd

40.00 €

40.00 €

Prices expressed in € including tax
Free for children under 5 years old (upon presentation of ID).

Unused journeys are not refundable

*Hands-free support required at €3.00 incl. VAT in addition

** Hands-free support required at €1.50 incl. VAT in addition

*** For the full duration of the stay with proof required

**** Discount granted upon presentation of a valid Multipass

Tribu price accessible from 4 people


PRICES FOR MTB individuAls 2025


PassADULT (26-65 yrs)CHILDREN (5-15 yrs)JUNIOR (16-25 yrs)
SENIOR (+ 65 yrs)
5 HOURS362732
1 DAY403036
5 DAYS NC*200150180

PRICES "Internet"

PassADULT (26-65 yrs)CHILDREN (5-15 yrs)JUNIOR (16-25 yrs)
SENIOR (+ 65 yrs)
5 HOURS342631
1 DAY382934
2 DAYS725465
3 DAYS1088197
4 DAYS137103123
5 DAYS171128154
5 JRS NC190145170
6 DAYS194146175
7 DAYS226170203
8 DAYS258194232
9 DAYS274206247
10 DAYS285214257
11 DAYS314236283
12 DAYS342257308
13 DAYS371278334




PassADULT (26-65 yrs)CHILDREN (5-15 yrs)JUNIOR (16-25 yrs)
SENIOR (+ 65 yrs)
5 DAYS NC180135160


PassADULT (26-65 yrs)CHILDREN (5-15 yrs)JUNIOR (16-25 yrs)
SENIOR (+ 65 yrs)
4 DAYS12392111
5 DAYS154116139
5 DAYS NC170130155
6 DAYS175131158
7 DAYS203152183
8 DAYS232174209
9 DAYS247185222
10 DAYS257193231
11 DAYS283212255
12 DAYS308231277
13 DAYS334251301

Prices excluding hands-free support (rechargeable) required for all durations (€3.00 extra, non-refundable).

* 5 non-consecutive day packages valid for the 2025 summer season

Free package for under 5s (excluding mandatory hands-free support at €3 incl. VAT) upon presentation of proof of marital status

Prices expressed in Euros including tax (all taxes included) according to the VAT rate in force, excluding insurance.

Photo required from 8 days old.

Tribu price accessible from 4 people

On Saturdays the 1-day Morzine-Les Gets pass is cheaper than the 5-hour pass.



Avalanche Risk

level risk 4. becareful !

We'll Be Back Shortly!

We would like to inform you that our website is currently in maintenance, this Monday 2 December from 6:00 pm to 8:00pm

We apologise for inconvenience and we appreciate your patience. See you soon!

Bienvenue sur notre nouveau site de vente

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